New electrical and elevating devices fee schedules effective beginning April 15, 2013

Following a comprehensive review of fee structures throughout 2012 and 2013, new electrical and elevating devices fee schedules will be in effect beginning April 15, 2013. The intent of the fee structure changes was to simplify and clarify the fees and to more closely match them with risk and effort to assess the installations.

After reviewing all responses received through consultation, the major changes to electrical fees, effective April 15, 2013, will be:

  • Standardised charges for operating permits
  • Residential single family installation permit fees are now service-based instead of job value-based
  • Simplified contractor installation permits. The fixed fees per band have been set to closely align to today’s average fees paid in each band.

The major changes to elevating devices fees, effective April 15, 2013 will be:

  • Clarity and certainty in pricing
  • Design registration split into two categories with fixed fees associated with complexity of assessment work
  • Consolidation and alignment of fees
  • Multiple elevating devices categories merged and operating permits aligned with installation permits (number of floors)
  • Encouraged inclusion in the safety system by lowering fees for elevators for persons with physical disabilities for two years
  • Re-aligned licence and certification categories including new fees for Elevator Mechanic Certification
  • Simplified and clarified scope of each permit type
  • New category for Private Access Elevator (statutory right of way).

The new electrical and elevating devices fee schedules will be in effect on April 15, 2013. These fee structure changes are within the overall 3% increase already in place for 2013, and are not intended to add additional revenue for the BC Safety Authority. 

To download the new fee schedules and to read the report on consultation results, please go to the BC Safety Authority webpages on electrical fee structures changes and elevating devices fee structure changes. Please share this information with your membership.

If you have any questions or comments about this consultation, please feel free to contact Jim Allaway,Leader, Stakeholder Engagement Programs at 778-396-2129 or