with Todd Best of Best Builders

Welcome to “BUILT IN” – a video series that explores how high-performance homes are built. Think of Built-In as a series that focuses on buying a new car today vs 50 years ago. There is no comparison in fuel efficiency, safety, or comfort. And it’s the same with the homes we are building today. High-performance homes not only help reduce energy consumption, and our environmental footprint, but they improve the comfort levels, safety, and durability of our homes too!

Join long-standing HAVAN member Todd Best of Best Builders as he explores local factories and homes to discover the latest materials BUILT IN high-performance homes to help you better understand what you are building or buying, to better protect your family and your investment.

Integrated Design Process

The Integrated Design Process (IDP) is the recommended industry practice to achieve the best outcome when building a high-performance home. IDP brings together all the professional services in the pre-construction phase to empower homeowners to bring their dream home to reality. Join Todd Best of Best Builders and Kathy Yuen of Phase One Design as they check out the features BUILT IN to a high-performance home.



featuring Capture Energy

The mechanical systems BUILT IN the homes being designed today deliver the ultimate in comfort and energy efficiency. High-performance ventilation systems – referred to as ‘fresh air machines’, are like the lungs of your home, creating healthier indoor environments. Join Todd as he walks through a home mid-construction for a closer look.



featuring AI Technologies & Design

Homes today are built smarter. Lighting, security, sound, entertainment, EV Chargers, blinds, heating, cooling, appliances etc. – all controlled from your fingertips, if planned correctly. Walk through a high-performance home with Todd Best of Best Builders as he chats with Mike Freedman of AI Technology & Design to explore what can be BUILT IN, to make your home work for you.



featuring Centra Windows

Choosing the windows right for you is essential when building a high-performance home. A source of natural lighting, windows connect us to the outdoors, enhancing our living space. Installing new windows can eliminate drafts and deliver consistent indoor temperatures for improved home comfort and energy efficiency. Join Todd Best of Best Builders as he tours the local Centra Windows factory with Jake Classen to find the windows right for you! BUILT IN to your home’s wall assemblies, the choices you make will ultimately impact the overall energy efficiency and comfort of your home.

Get a Quote | Centra Windows & Doors


with Murray Frank of Building it Right

Properly built wall assemblies are a key to ensuring the airtightness of your high-performance home. Think of your home’s walls as putting on a coat to protect it from the outdoor elements with the perfect indoor temperature, year-round. Join Todd Best of Best Builders as he talks with Murray Frank in the Building It Right Lab about the latest building science techniques and products to design the home right for you. The safety, durability, and comfort of your home are BUILT IN your walls!


Insulated Concrete Forms (ICF) with Airfoam Industries Ltd.

Drier basements, improved air quality, and consistent indoor air temperature are just some of the benefits of using ICF to form the foundation of your home. Tune in and hear from Todd Best of Best Builders as he tours the Airfoam factory and explores the benefits of Quadlock Insulated Concrete forms BUILT IN to your basement. Compatible with any design and easy for builders to install, professionals are raving about ICF. It’s like Lego for the big boys!

View additional information from Airfoam here.


Thank you to our industry partners for helping to empower homeowners to build better homes: BC Housing, Best Builders, Phase One Design, Capture Energy, AI Technology and Design, Centra Windows, Murray Frank of Building It Right, Airfoam Industries, and 360HomeTours.ca