FREE Google Partners Digital Breakfast with Reach Local – November 20.

Come join REACH LOCAL for a FREE Google Partners Digital Breakfast.

They’re co-hosting an exclusive event on Friday, November 20, 2015.

You can benefit from this event and their last one was incredibly well received.

It’s a great opportunity to learn from a Google expert about how to grow your business. Reach Local will provide breakfast… all they need is you & your company.

They’d love for you to come learn with them.

8:30 a.m.: Registration and Breakfast
9:00 a.m.: Program begins
11:00 a.m.: Individual Consulting Time
11:30 a.m.: Program Ends

Each attendee will receive a free digital marketing analysis report!

Please register ASAP, as they expect a great turnout… (and expect there to be plenty of SWAG & Exclusive Google Incentives).


Hope you can join!