HAVAN is Bringing It Home to Help Housing Crisis

Thursday, October 6, 2022

For immediate release

HAVAN is Bringing It Home to Help Housing Crisis

Municipal housing data helps make informed election choices.

Vancouver, BC: With municipal elections being held across BC on October 15, 2022, the Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN) has released the Bringing It Home campaign to help people better understand housing issues beyond our own backyards in our region by municipality, and in response to the ongoing housing crisis we are facing across Metro Vancouver.

Bringing It Home reports on the housing industry’s economic impacts within municipalities including jobs, wages and investment value, housing mix breakdown, and the number of current dwellings in comparison to Metro Vancouver’s 2040 Regional Growth Strategy projections. In addition to the municipal housing data, all candidates were invited to participate in a five-question survey to determine their perspectives on housing related issues, including development application timelines, housing forms, and their housing related priorities.

The industry housing data featured in Bringing It Home and survey results emphasize the importance of housing supply and the need to focus on alternate affordable housing choices including transit-oriented and missing middle developments, in addition to purpose built rentals, and subsidized/supportive housing.

Of the 120 responses received, 76% identified Housing and Affordability as the top issue in their campaign, followed by Traffic and Transportation (14%) and Climate Change (12%).

Housing options candidates believe to be most needed in their municipality

When asked if candidates supported guaranteed permitting times for development applications within their city halls, 77% said yes.

In ranking of housing specific issues, candidates identified addressing Affordability first (56%), then Housing Supply (20%), Application and Permitting Timelines (14%), and Diversity of Housing (11%).

Ron Rapp, HAVAN CEO comments;The housing data, combined with the candidate’s survey results emphasize the candidate’s awareness and the importance of delivering the required housing supply across the region in the face of a present, and growing, demand, to address Metro Vancouver’s chronic affordability crisis.’ Comments we heard from survey respondents:

Support development that includes affordable housing, densification near transit stations, build a realistic long-term community plan, speed up permitting processes, bring clarity to permitted and projected land uses for developers.

We need to support the training of skilled trades in our region through post-secondary programs at BCIT and in public high schools, and by supporting partnerships between trade unions, industry, and governments.

Partner with other levels of government and collectively come up with innovative ways to solve the housing problems.

To see the list of municipal candidates who responded to the survey and contributed their opinions, please click here.

Media Enquiries:

Ron Rapp, CEO, Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN)