COPA Development Corporation

services from assisting clients in architect selection and permit approval to value engineering, construction site supervision, budget and schedule control and contract management. Exceptional customer services are provided by Tony…


EDGE Construction

livability and convenience to a whole new level. With our holistic approach, we merge technology with innovative design to create modern homes that truly fit the 21st-century lifestyle. Our human-centered…

Bolar Development Group Ltd.

home renovation, custom build home construction, tenant improvements and commercial construction. Bolar’s commitment to excellence in design, construction and client service is unrivalled in the industry. On all development projects…

Beedie Development Group

commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Our vertically integrated structure addresses all aspects of development, including land acquisition, design, construction, financing and property management. Our ability to provide this comprehensive…

Member Support

Here to assist members, we also look forward to your feedback. Let us know how we can help and every attempt will be made to contact you within one business…


Custom Homebuilders Council, Women’s Council, Designers Council, Membership Committee, Marketing Communications Committee (and the HAVAN Awards Task Force), and the Young Professionals Committee are working on behalf of all HAVAN…

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Kitchen Renovationin Vancouver

in kitchen renovations. Award-winning Kitchen Renovations in Vancouver We recommend you check out the kitchen and design category finalists and winners in the HAVAN Awards for Housing Excellence . Here…

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Housing Supply

These challenges continually slow down or stop the construction of much-needed housing supply in many cities across the country. To help, the federal government’s new Housing Accelerator Fund is being…

Industry Awards

Construction(Burnaby) Supplier: Green Sheet Construction Data(Port Moody) Second Place Builder: Golden Dream Homes Ltd. (North Vancouver) Renovator: maison d’etre design-build inc.(Vancouver) Supplier: Bridgestone Financing Pros (Vancouver) New Member First place:…



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Lstiburek, originally the research director of CHBA National, now an internationally respected Principle of Building Science Corp, Boston. Another now life long friend. Soon after I met other CHBA national… read more

Eneready Products Ltd.