Pro tips for securing a mortgage for first time home buyers in BC

In this episode of the Home Buying 101 video series from the Homebuilders Association Vancouver (HAVAN), Shayne Ramsay, CEO of BC Housing, discusses interest rates and mortgages with Alisa Aragon, Mortgage & Leasing Expert from Bridgestone Financing Pros DLC Mountainview.

Use this Mortgage Calculator to compare rates, payment frequency, amortization, and more to find your best mortgage options

Some of the questions covered are:

  • What do the record-low interest rates mean to potential first time home buyers?
  • What do these types of interest rates mean for existing home owners?
  • Should home owners or home buyers be locking in for longer-term mortgages?
  • Should home buyers and owners consider a fixed or variable-rate mortgage?
  • Has Covid had an impact on interest rates?
  • What else should a buyer be aware of when looking to secure a mortgage?
  • What is the first-time home buyer incentive program and where can people find information about it?

This video is presented by the Homebuilders Association Vancouver, and sponsored by BC Housing and Associa BC Incorporated.