The BC Energy Step Code was introduced by the Provincial Government as an optional pathway within the BC Building Code. Its aim is to help British Columbia reach its target of having all new buildings achieve net-zero energy status by 2032 and it outlines a gradual approach with five levels, culminating in the final step to be achieved by 2032.
Starting from May 1, 2023, the BC Building Code mandated 20% better energy efficiency for new buildings across the province. Concurrently, on the same date, the province also launched the voluntary Zero Carbon Step Code. While the BC Energy Step Code primarily focuses on improving energy efficiency in new buildings, the Zero Carbon Step Code concentrates on reducing emissions.
The Zero Carbon Step Code serves as an optional provincial standard for reducing emissions in new buildings. Local authorities have the option to incorporate the Zero Carbon Step Code into their regulations and initiatives, either mandating or encouraging lower carbon construction practices within their communities. Conversely, the BC Energy Step Code is a mandatory energy efficiency requirement within the BC Building Code for most new construction.
Similar to the BC Energy Step Code, the Zero Carbon Step Code operates on distinct, measurable steps. Broadly categorized, these Carbon Steps can be referred to as: Measure-only (EL-1), Moderate Carbon Performance (EL-2), Strong Carbon Performance (EL-3), and Zero Carbon Performance (EL-4).