Passive Home Design

Imagine a home that’s not just a shelter, but a cozy haven that’s kind to both your living environment and the planet. That’s the essence of Passive House Design, a…



2022 Kitchen Design Trends. Gone are the days of the ‘all-white’ kitchen. Natural elements were centre stage at the 2022 HAVAN Awards for Housing Excellence. This year’s winning kitchens reveal…



Cyber threats are on the rise with COVID-19. HAVAN member Federated Insurance has prepared a list of resources to protect you and your business from phishing scams including outlining how…



When Time Isn’t On Your Side

A contractor may be asked to provide a homeowner with an estimated schedule for completion before a project starts. While there are always contingencies and unforeseen circumstances, projects can get…


Looking Ahead

by Scott Brown, President & CEO of Fifth Avenue Real Estate Marketing Ltd. It is coming to the end of the honeymoon period for the new NDP government. I wonder…


Gimme Shelter (Staying Behind the Corporate Veil)

 Incorporating your construction business has many clear advantages, one of which is personal liability protection under the “corporate veil”. The so-called corporate veil refers to the shelter one receives in their personal capacity when their company is being sued; essentially, they are shielded from personal liability.


The Cost of Doing Business with Friends

When undertaking a significant construction project, it often helps to know someone in the industry. However, a recent decision of the BC Supreme Court highlights the problems that can arise when doing business with friends or family.


Getting Paid and Fixing Deficiencies

It can be very frustrating when a homeowner refuses to make the final payment because of seemingly inconsequential “deficiencies”. However, the BC Supreme Court made it clear in Constructum Developments Inc. v. Hogaboam, 2015 BCSC 1490, that a homeowner may be entitled to correction of all deficiencies before they are obligated to make the final payment. In fact, a contractor’s insistence on receiving final payment before fixing final deficiencies may actually result in a repudiation of the parties’ agreement.


Going Green the Smart Way

Greater demand from consumers and regulators in British Columbia for environmentally sustainable or “green” building practices suggests potential benefits for “green-contractors”. A common strategy is to adopt a labelling system that advertises compliance with defined environmental standards. Common examples of green-labels used in B.C.’s construction industry include the Energy Star label and the Built Green seals.


The Big Issue with Fixed-Price Construction Contracts

For most home owners considering a renovation or new build, price is one of the most important factors in determining the scope of their project, the finishing’s to select and what contractor to choose. For contractors, providing a client with budget certainty can be a significant selling point; thus, the appeal of fixed price construction
