Issue Resolution
Complaints and Ethical Issues
Complaints about HAVAN members are dealt with according to the Canadian Home Builders’ Association Code For Disciplinary Action. A Complaints Committee addresses issues around possible improper conduct of members. Complaints about members or industry-related companies, products or services must be made in writing, explain how a member or industry-related company violated the HAVAN code of ethics, be accompanied with a verified statutory declaration or similar sworn statement and addressed to:
Wendy McNeil
Acting CEO
#1011, 7445 – 132 Street
Surrey, BC V3W 1J8
HAVAN’s actions that may ensue are limited to; no further action being recommended, a letter of censure, to expulsion from the association in particularly egregious circumstances. HAVAN does not act as mediators, negotiators, adjudicators, or litigators.
If a complaint against a member is currently before the courts, HAVAN will defer its decision on the complaint until a legal adjudication has been reached.