The DC shall identify, research and address issues related to the field of Design – both architectural and interior (including specialties within), within the HAVAN membership working on Part 9 buildings. The four pillars of the DC are Advocacy (looking at topics that affect the business of design and advocate for HAVAN designer membership alongside HAVAN’s Director of Government Relations (DGR) as appropriate), Education (for both consumers and industry in the value of good design), Networking (engaging principals of HAVAN Designer Companies in business-related discussions and to offer a community of support), and Mentorship (sharing experiences, challenges, and wisdom within the members of HAVAN, with opportunities to support skill-building, and advancement within the industry.)
Designers’ Council

Current Initiatives
The Designers Council is currently focused on building the HAVAN Design Community. May 25, 2023, saw the first Designers Crawl – Kitchens! Partnering with Trail Appliances, Midland Appliance, and Bradlee Distributors, 75 industry professionals joined the Crawl for an evening of amazing food, beverages, networking and some education too!