Welcome to HAVAN’s High-Performance Homebuilder Masterclass with Jonathan Meads, Vice President of StreetSide Developments, a Qualico Company

Getting to Net Zero with Multi-Family Homes

Focusing on part 9 multi-family homes, Jonathan will talk about his organization’s transformative journey to high-performance homes and what it takes to get to Net Zero.  He explains, from a large-volume builder perspective, why building to higher standards are important, how “Environmental, Sustainable and Governance” (ESG) considerations are critical for a company, what high performance means for the homebuyer, the education that is required to move to these standards, and how to engage your project team, trades, consultants, and municipalities to ensure the build’s success.

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About the Mentor, Jonathan Meads, Vice President, StreetSide Developments, a Qualico Company

Jonathan is Vice President of StreetSide Developments, the multi-family division of the Qualico Group. Jonathan has held the post for almost three years. StreetSide has been building townhomes, low and high-rise condos and mixed-use projects in the lower mainland for 10 years.

Jonathan has over 25 years’ experience in real estate development and construction. Prior to becoming VP, Jonathan was Senior Development Manager for 2+ years, after 11 years with Concert Properties. He has worked in both Canada and the UK, with experience in wood, concrete and steel residential and commercial construction. Jonathan has a Diploma in Building Studies, a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Building Surveying, he is a Chartered Surveyor and holds his LEED AP designation. Jonathan has been a member of various HAVAN, UDI and municipal committees for many years and remains engaged with BC Housing and other government bodies. He is passionate about building better buildings and continual learning.

Websites: StreetSide Developments (BC) and Qualico Developments

Other Resources:
HAVAN Online Education

CHBA Net Zero Homes

Find a Professional (HAVAN Membership Directory)
Video Funding Partners: BC Housing, BC Hydro, FortisBC