Tell us about yourself & your company?
Katharine: I am the residential business manager for Mitsubishi Electric Sales Canada Inc. We distribute high efficiency heating and cooling equipment for the BC & Yukon market. Our staff provides sales and technical support from our office in Burnaby. I have a great team of sales, technical and warehouse people assisting builders and contractors install our innovative products in the market. We are also supported by our Canadian head office in Markham, Ontario.
How did you get into the residential construction industry?
Katharine: I got into the construction & HVAC industry by fluke. I wanted to take some time off before going to university and I decided to take the Trades Discovery for Woman program at BCIT because I’ve always loved fixing and creating things as a teen. I was very fortunate to be placed with an HVAC company for the 3 week job shadow component of the program and I was hooked. I decided to go into the refrigeration pre-app program and the rest is history. I’ve been fortunate to use my hands-on experience now in a sales management role to promote energy efficient green heating and cooling solutions to the BC market.
What keeps you in the industry?
Katharine: The people and relationships I’ve made over 20 years in the industry
While navigating covid-19, what new opportunities have you discovered?
Katharine: Covid really threw the construction industry for a loop in the early days. We have worked with our factories to ensure we have product to meet the growing residential market needs.
It’s 11AM Saturday morning, what are you up to?
Katharine: I’m usually out shopping or working in the garden.
What are your hobbies?
Katharine: I love all things creative. I make greeting cards as a stress release. I also live in an 1892 house so there is always research and renos to keep me busy.
Proudest moment?
Katharine: When I bought my first place at 21
What have you done in your community in the last year?
Katharine: Covid has really limited things this year. I like to participate in heritage events and planning in New Westminster.
Favourite HAVAN moment and why?
Katharine: The annual HAVAN Members Expo supplier’s show. Always a great turn out and opportunity for networking. Can’t wait for it to come back!
Best work perk at your job?
Katharine: I get to travel throughout the province a lot and have been to our factories in Japan and Italy.
Last HAVAN member you spoke to?
Katharine: Carolyn – Through email
What inspires you?
Katharine: Helping people
What are you excited for / looking forward to right now?
Katharine: The Covid vaccine
Share an interesting fact about your life?
Katharine: I was one of the first few gals in the province to complete my refrigeration TQ.
Last piece of advice you have received?
Katharine: The rising tides lifts all the boats. Unless they have an anchor…
Starbucks order?
Katharine: Grande half sweet white mocha
Song on repeat right now?
Katharine: Anything 70s or 80s
Where were you born?
Katharine: New Westminster
Katharine: Our kitty Missy Mew
Favourite holiday / destination?
Katharine: Anywhere in Europe – I love learning about the heritage and culture. All the capital cities are steeped in amazing architecture & history!
Does pineapple belong on pizza?
Katharine: Oh heck no!!
First concert?
Katharine: Raffi as a child. Aerosmith as a teen
Last book read/show watched?
Katharine: The Spanish Princess
What do you collect?
Katharine: Antiques
Netflix guilty pleasure?
Katharine: English period dramas