Measure Twice, Cut Once: S4 Ep 34 Real Time Reno Deficiency Walkthrough


Tuesday, November 15, 2022
For immediate release

Season 4 Ep 34. Real Time Reno: Deficiency Walkthrough

HAVAN’s podcast Measure Twice, Cut Once releases Season 4, episode #34 today, following the Burden family and their real time renovation as they take a final walkthrough with the builder to identify outstanding deficiencies.

Download – EPISODE #34: Real Time Reno: Deficiency Walkthrough

Whether building, renovating, or designing, success is all in the details. Join host Jennifer-Lee of Measure Twice, Cut Once as she catches up with the Burdens who take their final walkthrough with Cara from Triple Dot Design, and Alex from Level One Construction. HAVANofficial #MeasureTwiceCutOnce #Podcast

‘We walked through with Alex and compiled a list of everything that we had noticed together, but then Level One had the great recommendation for us to live here for a week and live our normal lives and note things as they came up in our day-to-day lives that needed to be addressed. Little thing, that you might not necessarily notice when you’re just walking through with the builder.’ Justin Burden, homeowner

‘Having a master list categorized by trade, with the builder and homeowner on the same page, is key to completing the job in two weeks from the deficiency walkthrough, as opposed to four or five months.’ Alex Dumitru, Level One Construction

Competition Alert! Listen and like this episode for your chance to win a gas BBQ compliments of our Podcast Partner FortisBC.

Season One looks at everything you need to know before you start the construction phase of the project.
Season Two explores a series of exciting housing forms: laneways, duplexes, aging-in-place etc.
Season Three explores the concept of healthy homes to enhance the wellness and livability of our homes.
Season Four follows the Burden Family through a real-time renovation.

Thanks to sponsors: FortisBC, Ethical Floors, Rami Films, and jPod productions