Wednesday, October 11, 2022
For immediate release
Season 4 Ep 29. Real Time Reno: Project Planning drops today.
HAVAN’s podcast Measure Twice, Cut Once releases Season 4, episode #29 today, following the Burden family through their real time renovation, during the project planning stage.
Download – EPISODE #29: Real Time Reno: Project Planning (pre-construction)
Last episode we got to know the Burdens and hear a bit about their dreams for their heritage home renovation. In this episode, things are getting real as the Burdens realize their Pinterest dreams might not all come true after bringing together the designer, builder and required engineers in the project planning stage. Join host Jennifer-Lee of Measure Twice, Cut Once as she explores the realities and sometimes tough choices that had to be made to realize their dream, within budget. https://havan.ca/ProjectPlanning/ HAVANofficial #MeasureTwiceCutOnce #Podcast
‘Having the Burdens live in the basement through the project resulted in big impacts on what was possible upstairs. The engineer came in with a curve ball, requiring more point loads than predicted. To achieve the original plan, point loads would be required in the basement, making it unlivable, and this created a domino effect on the kitchen and bathroom design upstairs.’ Cara Hansen, Triple Dot Design.
‘We were presented with a cost benefit analysis. Moving a wall or post just 12 or 24 inches, the financial implications of that were significant, and so we decided that wasn’t the route for us. We had to forgo the kitchen island and claw foot tub.’ Justin Burden, homeowner.
Competition Alert! Listen and like this episode for your chance to win a gas BBQ compliments of our Podcast Partner FortisBC.
Season One looks at everything you need to know before you start the construction phase of the project.
Season Two explores a series of exciting housing forms: laneways, duplexes, aging-in-place etc.
Season 3 explores the concept of healthy homes, and how building above the basic code can enhance the wellness and livability of our homes.
Season Four follows the Burden family through their real-time renovation!
Thanks to sponsors: FortisBC, Ethical Floors, Rami Films, and jPod productions